盧芳連, 楊正安, 吳紅芝
The Influence of Flower Culture on the Flower Industry from the Perspective of Festival Flower Consumption——Taking rose, carnation, and chrysanthemum, as examples
A questionnaire survey was conducted to investigate the sales quantity and prices of Yunnan roses, carnations, and chrysanthemums at different festivals. SPSS statistical software was used to analyze the impact of flower culture on the sales and prices of holiday flowers, as well as the promotion of flower industry and other industries under the influence of festival culture. Taking chrysanthemums as an example, this article analyzes the conflict between traditional chrysanthemum culture in China and foreign "mourning flower" culture. By enhancing the cultural confidence and identity of contemporary young people, accepting foreign cultures, and selecting new varieties of chrysanthemums based on flower usage sites, we aim to reconstruct China's modern chrysanthemum culture and promote the development of the flower industry. It is concluded that flower culture has an important impact on the consumption and price of holiday flowers, and has an important driving effect on China's flower industry. We should continuously explore China's traditional flower culture and traditional festivals.
花文化 / 節日花卉消費 / 花卉産業 / 月季 / 康乃馨 / 菊花 {{custom_keyword}} /
Flower culture / holiday flower consumption / flower industry / roses / carnations / chrysanthemums {{custom_keyword}} /
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