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  • Zhou Wuzhong
    Abstract (116) PDF (20) RichHTML (55)

    2014年9月25日,新時期“蘇州園林”傳承與發展研討會在蘇州成功召開。會議由蘇州市園林和綠化管理局陳衛京局長主持,特邀中國工程院院士孟兆禎先生, 北京林業大學園林學院院長李雄教授等6位專家到會研討。蘇州市園林和綠化管理局、規劃局、吳中區住建局、園博局等相關部門領導參加了會議。本次研討會以江蘇省第九屆園博會展園建設為契機,應蘇州市人民政府要求,由蘇州市園林和綠化管理局主持,委托蘇州園林設計院對蘇州古典園林造園藝術傳承和發展進行了回顧和總結,並就新時期“蘇州園林”建設展開討論。與會專家一致認爲蘇州古典園林是中國文化、中國民族文化和中國園林文化的杰出代表。隨著時代發展,蘇州園林被賦予了更多新的內涵,其最根本的變化是園林服務物件的轉變,從傳統的私家園林轉變爲公共園林,而不變的核心思想主要有3點:一是“自然情趣”,即從城市山林延展到山水城市的生態園林建設核心;二是 “景面文心”,即文化的延續才是蘇州園林傳承的核心;三是“詩意棲居”,即學習蘇州古典園林高度藝術化的園居方式與理想化的生活模式。會議最後提出,關於蘇州園林的傳承與發展需要蘇州園林界不斷深入理論研究與實踐探索,在切實保護好蘇州古典園林的同時,走出一條富有地域文化特徵的蘇州園林發展之路。我有幸受邀參會,幷即興做了長篇發言。但仍感意猶未盡,在2020年疫情居家期間,對蘇州園林又做了進一步的思考。

  • Zhang Jun, Li Xu
    2023, 3(4): 1-4.
    Abstract (88) PDF (13) RichHTML (46)

    The ultimate goal of the symbiosis of science and art is beauty. The goal of technological design integration is the common welfare of humanity. Science and art pursue the perfection of human nature through curiosity, imagination, exploratory spirit, rebellious genes, deep research ability, and creative thinking, ultimately achieving beauty. On this basis, technology and design will integrate human needs, empathize with others, prioritize people, and shape the future form of life. The goal is the common desire of human survival and development to pursue a beautiful life. This article discusses the relationship and characteristics between science, art, technology, and design, and ultimately points to a reflection on the changes in design patterns caused by the current prevalence of artificial intelligence technology.